Dr Jason Diab1

1Women And Children’s Hospital, Adelaide, Australia


The rich history of burns and burns surgery is a tapestry of social and historical print on how humans have approached the notion of fire. With its variations of concoctions and remedies across regions and different treatments from Chinese and Roman times, the conceptual understanding is somewhat similar. This poster succinctly explores how burn surgery began from its earlier roots in the mid 16th century expanding upon the Hippocratic repertoire for burns. Then, ultimately leading to the works of the gentle surgeon Ambroise Pare for his innovative approach to wounded war veterans. The 18th century is heralded as an evolution of medicine in general, and surgery in particular. with John Hunter and John Earle. It follows the effect of wars into the 20th century and the scientific movements into resuscitation, bioengineered dressings and support regimens for rehabilitation.


Jason is a paediatric plastic craniofacial registrar with an interest in reconstructive surgery and burns.