HP Chong1, E Gibson1, L Quinn1R Cooksey1,D Molony1,A Jeeves1, M Lodge1,B Carney1

1Women’s And Children’s Hospital, North Adelaide, Australia


Introduction: Burns are a preventable cause of pediatric injury with over 100 000 annual hospitalizations. The authors hypothesize that analysis of injury patterns can generate age-specific and injury-specific prevention strategies to reduce these injuries.

Methods: A retrospective study of data from the unit’s local registry was collected over a 50 year period. Cross-tabulations were employed to examine associations. An analysis of variance model was used to examine differences in injury pattern.

Results: Treating burns in children less than 1 year accounted for the majority of inpatient and outpatient service. The most common mechanism of injury was scalds from a hot beverage or hot noodles, followed by contact burn to iron, and friction burns from treadmill.

We would like to place emphasis on public education targeting parents with infants to exercise extra precaution in circumstances that can result in these accidental burn injuries.


HP Chong is the Burns Fellow at WCH and previous unaccredited registrar at Flinders Medical Centre