Julia Kwiet,1 Anne Darton2 ,Dale Forbes3, Peter Hawkins1, Loyola McLean4

1 NSRHS Social Work Department, Royal North Shore Hospital, NSW, 2075 juliakwiet@health.nsw.gov.au 2 Agency for Clinical Innovation Statewide Burn Injury Service (SBIS), NSW 2065 3 SBIS Consumer Representative. NSW 4 Academic Psychiatry, Royal North Shore Hospital, NSW, 2075 


Engaging patients and families is acknowledged as a key component to achieving high quality health care as it will affect their recovery and overall outcome. For this reason it is important to look specifically at our patient’s experiences and bring their voices and needs to the forefront.
This project seeks to capture patient’s reported experiences of their treatment and recovery. This information can help the burns team understand the needs of their patients more fully and assist with improving service delivery and recovery.
A burns specific patient reported experience measure (PREM) will be designed and used to capture burn patient’s perceptions of their health care experience. In particular to understand more about what facilitated and aided recovery and what could be improved upon.
This project was initiated by the SBIS consumer representative and will develop in close collaboration between burns clinicians and consumers. The main objectives are to collect data on what patients and family found helpful in their recovery and foster closer partnerships between consumers and clinicians. This is particular important given the highly complex and chronic condition of severe burn injuries.
